Sunday, April 28, 2024

Joseph Naumann and Catholic bishops lost in Kansas abortion vote – Reuters

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When votes rolled down Tuesday night on a proposed Kansas state constitution amendment that would remove the explicit right to abortion, what was expected to be a close race was instead shockingly lopsided: The amendment was categorically rejected, 59% against 41%. .

Analysts were quick to call the result a setback for the anti-abortion movement, but activists and experts say it also amounts to a rejection of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which had paid massive sums to support the adoption of the amendment. The vote could also hint at an increasingly violent backlash against the church’s involvement in the national abortion debate, especially among Catholics themselves.

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Following the vote, Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, who publicly supported the amendment’s passage, issued a statement on Wednesday lamenting its failure.

“We have not been able to overcome the millions spent by the abortion industry to deceive Kansans about the amendment, nor the overwhelming bias of the secular press whose failure to clearly report of the true nature of the amendment served to further the cause of the abortion industry,” Naumann wrote.

The Archdiocese of Naumann and other Catholic organizations have also spent millions, making it the largest donor base for the pro-amendment umbrella group known as the “Value Them Both” campaign.

According to financial and media reports, the Archdiocese of Kansas City spent about $2.45 million on the effort this year, with the Catholic dioceses of Wichita and Salina together spending an additional $600,000 or more. Some individual Catholic parishes across the state contributed, as did the Kansas Catholic Conference, an advocacy group tied to the state’s bishops, which reportedly spent $100,000. Separately, conservative advocacy group CatholicVote has raised about $500,000 for the pro-amendment Do Right PAC, according to news outlet Flatland.

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It remains to be seen which party raised or spent more money, although opponents of the amendment also received large donations from liberal groups such as NARAL Pro-Choice America and the American Civil Liberties Union. But these mostly secular groups did not shy away from faith: In an advertisement aired in Kansans, a woman spoke of her opposition to the amendment from the perspective of a Catholic cradle.

“Growing up Catholic, we didn’t talk about abortion,” the woman says. “But now it’s on the ballot, and we can’t ignore it anymore.”

According to Natalia Imperatori-Lee, chair of the religious studies department at Manhattan College, the ad probably better represents the views of the average Catholic than campaigns funded by bishops. The church officially denounces abortion, but American Catholics, generally supportive of legal abortion, have become more liberal on the issue over time: According to a recent PRRI poll, the percentage of white Catholics who think Abortion should be legal in all or most cases. fell from 53% in October 2010 to 64% in June this year. The change among Hispanic Catholics has been even more dramatic, rising from 51% in 2010 to 75% in June.

“The bishops have been so focused on the idol of abortion legislation that they have failed to step back and see the complication of criminalizing abortion and what it means – especially for vulnerable, non-white, non-affluent communities,” Imperatori-Lee said. . “If that’s what the bishops are going to do, if that’s their plan for a ‘post-deer‘ world, then Catholics are going to be very disappointed.

Chuck Weber, executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference, defended his group’s involvement in the Value Them Both campaign.

“I don’t apologize at all for our advocacy,” he said in an interview.

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Weber lamented the heightened tensions sparked by the abortion debate in the state — abortion rights protesters have been threatened with arrest and a Catholic church in Overland Park has been defaced — but stressed that bishops have lobbied on issues other than abortion in the past. The conference, he said, was among those pushing state lawmakers this year to expand Medicaid coverage for new moms from two months to 12 months. Weber also suggested that the bishops would fund campaigns around similar issues if they came to a vote, such as in the referendum on the amendment.

Even so, Weber acknowledged that efforts to convey his group’s broader agenda to mainstream Catholics have failed.

“I have to do a better job of letting people know that the issue of abortion is not really the main point of our advocacy at the State Capitol or in Washington, DC,” he said.

One organization that financially skipped the Kansas amendment battle was Catholics for Choice, which advocates for abortion access. The band didn’t spend money in Kansas partly because, according to frontman Jamie Manson, they didn’t need it.

“Voting in Kansas yesterday shows us the power of pro-choice believers against the power, money and influence of the Catholic hierarchy,” Manson said in a statement.

She added, “I look forward to more David vs. Goliath victories.”

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Kansas’ underdog spirit in the fight was embodied by two Catholic nuns who penned an anti-amendment letter, released before the vote, that amounted to an act of defiance against local bishops.

“A church sign said, ‘Jesus trusted women. We too,” reads the letter from the nuns. The sisters went on to lament the harm caused by restrictive abortion bans passed in other states and noted that proponents of the amendment were primarily focusing resources on banning abortion, rather than legislation. that would help mothers who bring their children to term, such as “health care, leave, Medicaid, and other supports for poor women.

Kathleen Sebelius, a Catholic and former governor of Kansas who served as health and human services secretary in the Obama administration, praised the nuns’ letter, calling the sisters “courageous.” Whether or not it had a broad impact, Sebelius said, it reminded her of when nuns spoke out in support of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, which faced opposition from the State Conference of Catholic Bishops. United to Bill and is credited with leading the way. for his last visit.

With this week’s vote, “I have no doubt that the statement from the nuns in Kansas made a difference for women who followed what the church said and what they had promoted – and instead listened to the nuns,” Sebelius said.

The Kansas vote suggests that the bishops, having won a long-awaited Supreme Court victory in the overthrow of Roe vs. Wadecan now fight uphill battles in many states, with uneven grassroots support who would rather see them invest church money in other places.

“That money could do a lot of good — diapers and formula,” Imperatori-Lee said.

— Religious News Service

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