Windows 11 is missing the taskbar option to never combine buttons – PiunikaWeb


Released on October 5 last year, Windows 11 is the last and hopefully the last major operating system update from Microsoft for the foreseeable future.

And since its launch, those who have updated their machines have reported a host of issues with the latest version of Windows, ranging from explorer.exe crashing when adjusting the volume to the snipping tool not working for some.

That being said, the new version brings several changes such as a redesigned taskbar and start menu. But Windows 11 users are now reporting that the taskbar settings are missing the Never combine taskbar buttons option.

If you don’t know, the Never combine taskbar buttons option lists each instance of an app on the taskbar separately. With Windows XP, Microsoft changed the behavior and combined all instances of an application into a single default taskbar icon.

But some people never liked the changes and preferred the old school way. But since the release of Windows 11, users complained about the missing option and asked Microsoft to bring back the same.


Never combine taskbar button
I mean, I don’t even understand why to remove this feature in the first place. I uninstall Win 11 about 10 minutes after installation because of this. I work from my computer and I always have a lot of tabs open, IT’S CRAZY for me to work without it. PLEASE bring this option back. I liked everything else, but I really can’t use Win 11 without it.

The Windows 11 Start menu and taskbar are useless…
So I upgraded my PC and installed Windows 11 to try it… What a bummer… Taskbar is only there for apps… I used to have pinned folders too for access super fast… It’s gone too. And all these menus under submenus… And to add something. Why always combine taskbar buttons and hide labels? For minimalism? It’s appearance (doesn’t it look better???) rather than functionality. Now the taskbar is always blank, which makes switching between windows a messy and nonsensical experience…

If you head to the Windows 11 Feedback Hub, you can see that over 11,000 users have asked Microsoft to revert the taskbar option to never combine.

Click/tap to enlarge image (Source)

We hope Microsoft listens to user feedback and brings the feature back in a future release. If and when they do, we’ll update this space to reflect the same, so be sure to stay tuned.

To note: We have more stories like this in our dedicated Windows section, so be sure to follow those as well.

Featured image source: Microsoft

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