Why a news anchor created The Very Asian Foundation to promote inclusivity – WZZM13.com

Why a news anchor created The Very Asian Foundation to promote inclusivity – WZZM13.com

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Race and gender equality continue to make headlines.

One woman leading the conversation is Award Winning Anchor Michelle Li, co-founder of the Very Asian Foundation.

The inspiration for the nonprofit came on New Year’s Day 2022 after a viewer called to complain about a segment that aired the morning newscast she featured. During the television news, Michelle, a Korean-American, said that she ate dumplings on New Year’s Day for luck because it’s a Korean tradition.

The viewer left Michelle a voicemail telling her to “keep her Korean to herself.” She recorded herself listening to voicemail.

Li says her foundation goes beyond being Asian, but encourages people to take the time to realize that a person is more than what they look like.

“When you see someone there is so much more than you don’t see and if you are allowed to express yourself fully in a space, you can lead with empathy in so many other ways.”

The Very Asian Foundation caught the eye of Ellen DeGeneres who gave Li $15,000 to help her continue spreading her message of inclusivity and acceptance.

Li was in Grand Rapids to speak at the Inforum Capstone event. Inforum is an organization that provides opportunities for women to create and strengthen professional networks.


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