"Travel in time, why not?": Johnny Depp’s dream of time travel The Pirates of the Caribbean movie could still have… – FandomWire

"Travel in time, why not?": Johnny Depp’s dream of time travel The Pirates of the Caribbean movie could still have… – FandomWire

Pirates of the Caribbean explored interesting and uncharted territories during the reign of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. The films were filled with various elements and themes all echoing the feelings of fun, thrill and excitement. All five films were appreciated in one way or another, although not all were as successful at the box office as the others.

Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow
A photo from Pirates of the Caribbean | Credit: Walt Disney Images

Many ideas were explored and some never made it from concept to paper. Even though a sixth installment is in preparation, Depp’s involvement is unlikely. As such, he also wanted to explore many ideas that remain untouched. After directing so many different films in the franchise, the actor wanted to explore one concept in particular. This might never happen, or might happen in Depp’s absence.

Johnny Depp wanted time-traveling pirates

During an interview with Paul Fischer (via Girl.com.au), Johnny Depp discussed the different opportunities offered by Pirates of the Caribbean franchise offered during its promotion Dead man’s chest. His tone was that of a man filled with hope for a series of films that would provide fans with entertainment like no other.

Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow | Credit: Walt Disney Images

Travel in time, why not? No I do not know. Ted and Terry, the writers and Gore, what they were able to do on the first one, and then take that to what they’ve done now with the second one, and then move on to the third one, it’s pretty amazing. We’re about to push the boundaries a little further.

For a man whose head was filled with ideas to help the franchise reach new heights, he had one thought in particular that would have been a great opportunity to explore uncharted territory. The idea of ​​time-traveling pirates may not be new, with books and even Doctor Who episodes exploring this territory, but it was certainly unique for Pirates of the Caribbean.

He focused on how the franchise had developed and no idea seemed too bizarre in his mind. So exploring something on this side of fantasy might not be too wrong.

Johnny Depp’s Dream Pirates movie unlikely

If Disney had followed the path imagined by Johnny Depp, a Pirates of the Caribbean a movie with time-traveling sea thieves might even have happened. If not a sixth, then maybe a seventh or eighth film. The possibilities were endless and the vision even greater. However, this no longer seems to be the case today.

Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean | Credit: Walt Disney Images

While years ago fans might have expected a time travel movie about pirates, their anticipation is now focused solely on the news of Depp’s possible return to the franchise. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that strong either.

Disney fired the actor during his trial with Amber Heard and since then, the betrayal he felt was not easy to overcome. His return to the franchise doesn’t seem that promising and so the idea of ​​a time travel movie might not come to fruition either.


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