This 1,250-horsepower Lamborghini makes 225 mph feel easy on the highway

This 1,250-horsepower Lamborghini makes 225 mph feel easy on the highway

A vehicle’s maximum speed is usually limited by things like horsepower and drag, rather than gearing. Thanks to a pair of turbochargers, this Lamborghini Huracán Performante is able to overcome its factory limitations and reach the maximum potential allowed by its gearing. And he has a lot of potential.

Thanks to AutoTopNL, we can see exactly what speed the Lamborghini’s gears will allow when they have enough power. They recently hopped into a twin-turbo Huracán and headed out onto the German Autobahn to find out. Turns out the answer is 225.5 mph, or 363 km/h for those who prefer miles. However you like your speed readings, it’s fast. As, incredibly fast.

For the record, yes, this was done on a public road and yes, it was an unrestricted stretch of highway, meaning there is no speed limit. The video doesn’t elaborate on the conditions, but judging by the sky, it looks like a morning sprint. There is virtually no traffic on the road, so we leave any discussion of wisdom or ethics to you. Frankly, if we had a 1,250 horsepower Lambo with clear roads and no speed limits, we’d stretch its legs too.

The speed is certainly crazy, but the acceleration is arguably more impressive. The first strong clip of the video comes at the 3-minute mark, sending the Huracán from 90 to 240 km/h (56 to 149 mph) in just under six seconds. Top speed is even better: from the same 90 km/h, it takes 15.6 seconds to see 363 km/h (225 mph) briefly flash on the digital display. That’s just under 9,000 rpm per tachometer, and it sounds glorious all the time.

With an extra gear, it’s not hard to see this Lamborghini reaching 230 or maybe 240 mph, given that it was still accelerating when reaching its top speed. But as it stands, 225 mph is the absolute limit for a Huracán Performance.



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