Sony: Can Sony beat Bose ?! WH-1000XM4 Leak Specifications and Details – News Buzz


Sony. A company that is known exclusively for its quality on the audio and sound technical aspects on any device / machine can launch its new WH-1000XM4 headphones at any time this year as it announced exactly one year ago. July 2019.

The beautiful headphones have been seen in classic black and white colors from a few leaked images, and I have to say that, being a person who likes the basics and classic colors, they look incredibly cool.

Known for its excellent noise canceling quality, the company’s all-new WH-1000XM4 headphones, according to some sources and leaks, have an improved and longer battery life than others. That said, a rough estimate of 40 hours of battery life would be the limit of these new headphones.

Now, coming to the feature that I personally admire and that I am passionate about, it’s the new “talk to chat” that will help you talk to other virtual assistants and AI technologies! We can never predict what type of changes have been added, but it sounds very exciting.

Further, the Bluetooth version of this device seems to be an updated ethereal version 5 than the old 4.2, which implies an improved quality and a better updated version.

Image result for bose vs sony

When it comes to audio and sound, Sony has always been at the top of the market. But here is the most important aspect. Price! Everyone knows that Bose and Sony are expensive in terms of cost, budget and brand, but whether they are worth the price or not, this is what drives consumers to the respective companies.

There is a certain sector of people who think that Bose headphones are really not worth the money they cost, while Sony users say it is still worth every penny paid.

This is what we mean now. The Bose 700 headset, which has recently hit the Indian market, according to some studies, may not be able to capture the market as well as Sony.

The other major factor that I include here is the duration. Sony has been comparatively on the market for more years than that of Bose Corporation. It is even said that 40% of the reason why Sony could carve out such a place for itself is due to its precise sense of the market and consumer behavior.



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