Richard Hammond wants to kill boring combustion cars

Richard Hammond wants to kill boring combustion cars

Like it or not, the automotive industry is changing. The days of the internal combustion engine seem numbered and we have just over a decade to get used to this change. Of course, just because no new combustion cars will be sold by the mid-2030s doesn’t mean there won’t be more vehicles with good old ICE on the road in the future.

However, their numbers will start to drop dramatically, and the first to die are likely to be the most annoying and less spirited. the old Top of the line host Richard Hammond has now begun the process of killing the cars we won’t need and the first two victims are featured in his latest video for the Drivetribe channel.

It’s actually a new show idea and the Drivetribe The team worked hard to make it arguably “the biggest project we’ve ever filmed”. The idea revolves around the fact that combustion cars die slowly and the planet should save only the best examples from all manufacturers. We don’t know what Hammond’s exact criteria are, but he says some vehicles deserve to live on for future generations while others don’t. He begins natural selection with the following statement: “Mk1 Escort? Yes. Escort Mk4? Nope.”

More examples follow, and for reasons unknown, we find Hammond’s selection quite accurate and honest. You see, while there’s nothing wrong with the Peugeot 207 — it was a nice little mainstream car — it sure doesn’t have the charisma of the Peugeot 205. And in Hammond’s world, that means it has to die and make room for more exciting cars to survive. “Chrysler Crossfire? No, in no case. »

With this huge intro, it’s time to say a few words about what this new video is all about. Actually on. Hammond wants to breathe new life into cars that no longer deserve to live and turn them into… garden accessories and equipment in the first episode of the new series. Yes, you read that right. It’s as weird as it sounds, but if you have about 50 minutes to spend with Hammond and a bunch of talented mechanics, the video is definitely worth your attention.



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