Microsoft Windows terminal gets retro-style CRT effects, searches, etc. – The Verge

Microsoft Windows terminal gets retro-style CRT effects, searches, etc. – The Verge

Microsoft released their new Windows Terminal command line app last year, and the company has been constantly improving it in Windows 10 since then. The software maker is currently preparing a new update scheduled for next week that will introduce retro-style CRT effects. If you are old enough to be a fan of CRT monitors, this is the one for you. A new experimental feature will be activated that includes the classic scan lines you might have seen before the world moved on to flat monitors and LCD technology.

In addition to the journey of nostalgia, Microsoft is also adding new features to Windows Terminal. You will be able to search the terminal tabs to find inputs or outputs from various commands, and tab resizing is added so that you can display more tabs. Microsoft also adds the ability to specify a profile to open using custom keyboard shortcuts, in addition to applying a single setting to all terminal profiles.

New search functionality in Windows Terminal

All of these improvements follow a recent Windows Terminal update that introduced support for split view. You can now open multiple command prompts side by side in the same tab in Terminal. Microsoft today released a test version that includes these new changes for employees, and it will roll out to everyone on January 14.



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