Justin Bieber says he’s tired of religion and wants to know the love of Jesus | God TV News – GOD TV

Justin Bieber says he’s tired of religion and wants to know the love of Jesus |  God TV News – GOD TV

In Los Angeles, Justin Bieber tells fans he’s had enough of religion and wants to see the love of Jesus.

“Tired of religion..”

As one of the Freedom Experience performers on July 29, the pop star used the stage to preach about Jesus and the freedom he brought to his life.

He says, “I’m tired of religion, and I’m tired of division. I just want to know what it’s like to like the people you know. I know that Jesus goes where the broken people are.

“Nobody understood, you know. We have hope, and his name is Jesus, and he changed my life,” he added.

In one of his previous Instagram posts, we remember how he admitted he was not a religious man. The 28-year-old pointed out that “religion highlights your flaws and perpetuates discouragement”. Moreover, religion “makes people feel better than others because they go to church”.

Bieber states that he is, however, in love with the One who created him.

He then shared Jesus and declared that he is the Savior of mankind. “I believe that the brokenness of humanity hurts God and he sent an answer and gave hope in Jesus,” he said.

Bieber then advised “to avoid religion. But put your hope in the eternal who died an agonizing death so that you and I can truly live for eternity.

He concluded his heartfelt message with an exhortation to pain as temporary. And this sky is a place where he will be. “One day I will be in heaven where there will be no pain or suffering. But until then I live by faith and not by sight.

The Canadian pop icon has been bold in telling people about Jesus. He seizes every opportunity to lead them to the Savior and Lover of their souls.

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