Inside the 15TH ANNUAL THIRST GALA in Beverly Hills –

Inside the 15TH ANNUAL THIRST GALA in Beverly Hills –


Come to Beverly Hills with Press Pass LA as we cover the 15th year of the Thirst Gala! Hosted on May 18 at the SLS Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles, California, the annual event brings together Thirst Project’s top donors, partners, talent and more. The evening aims to honor those who have contributed the most to raising the profile of the organization and raising funds, 100% of which are used to build clean water projects internationally.

Missi Pyle (Captain Fantastic) and Becky Baeling Lythgoe (How I Met Your Mother) served as live auction hosts for this year’s event. This year’s Cameron Boyce Pioneering Award was given to Ted Gibson. After first meeting the Thirst Project team at the North American Hairstylist Awards in 2015, Ted is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the water crisis. Raising a thousand dollars in less than 60 seconds, Ted, who was then a hairdresser in New York, eventually returned to Los Angeles in 2017 to start a new chapter. Ted then funded a clean water project at the 2018 Thirst Gala after seeing Cameron Boyce win the Pioneering Spirit Award. Ted also brought Thirst Project to open his Starring Smart Salon in 2019 and even connected Thirst Project with other colleagues and brands to follow in his footsteps. To date, Ted’s support has provided more than 1,000 people with access to clean water and significantly raised the profile of our organization’s efforts to end the global water crisis.

Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that exists to end the global water crisis and the fact that more than 785 million people on the planet do not have access to safe, clean water. The Thirst Project guarantees that 100% of all public donations will go directly to their well projects and over the past decade, the Thirst Project has raised more than $10 million. These funds have made it possible to provide drinking water indefinitely to more than 550,000 people in 13 countries.

Learn more about Project Thirst here.

Main photo credit: Gonzalo Marroquin W / Getty Images


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