How to Open Google Chrome from Terminal on Mac

How to Open Google Chrome from Terminal on Mac

Command line users may come across situations where they want to open the Google Chrome web browser directly from the terminal on the Mac.

Opening GUI apps from the command line is easy on MacOS, and the command syntax for doing so is the same since the beginning of Mac OS X, so no matter what version of system software you’re using. , you will find this trick to work.

Opening Google Chrome from Command Line on Mac

The syntax to open Google Chrome from the terminal is as follows:

open -a "Google"

Press return as usual to run the command. No special permissions are required, since Chrome launches from the universally accessible /Applications directory

This will launch the Google Chrome web browser in the graphical user interface (GUI) of MacOS, it does not run Chrome in the terminal as a command line browser (which doesn’t exist as Chrome anyway) . If you want a command-line text-based web browser, try using Lynx or similar, which is obviously not a GUI application, nor is Chrome.

You can also open other apps and documents via the command line using the open command, but obviously we’re focusing on the Chrome web browser here.


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