Here’s how to get iOS 14 “ Orange Dot ” privacy for Android phones – Forbes


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Regardless of the truth on the subject, the perception remains that iOS devices are stronger on user privacy than Android devices. I say this, by the way, as someone who did the opposite of most people and went from iPhone to Android a few years ago now. However, I’m incredibly impressed with iOS 14 when it comes to privacy, and when it comes to my next smartphone upgrade, I might just jump in again. Along with the iOS 14 privacy notification feature which exposed several cases of apps copying data from clipboard earlier this year, there’s this orange dot. You know, the one that lets you see when an app is using your camera or microphone.

Android 11 will prevent apps from accessing either unrestrictedly, so permanent permission to use the camera will be a thing of the past. Background usage notifications are all good, but are often dismissed by users in the same way as terms of user agreements. Frankly, the iOS 14 usage light is such a simple yet powerful approach to privacy awareness that it really should be on Android devices.

It turns out that there is an app for this.

As a part of the operating system, the iOS 14 recording indicator is automatically displayed whenever an app uses the camera or microphone. This LED, orange for the microphone and green for the camera (which also covers simultaneous use of the microphone) provides a visual reminder both in the app itself and in the control center. By swiping down from the upper right corner of the screen, the Control Center and the responsible application are displayed. Android users should not miss this kind of visual privacy index; they just need to install an application.

Access Dots was created by an XDA Recognized Developer and mimics the iOS 14 Record Indicator feature. Available for devices using Android 7 and later, Access Dots is free. However, slipping a dollar or two to the developer gives a bit more flexibility in sizing and placing the points. Once installed, you need to grant access to the Android accessibility service, but no further permissions are required.

It works very similar to the iPhone function with a green dot indicating when you access the camera and an orange for the microphone. You can even change the color of either stitch to whatever you like, which is pretty cool. Just like the ability to locate points to the left or right of the camera, top or bottom of the screen, etc. Donate $ 2.50 (£ 2.00) and you will be able to locate the dots anywhere and resize them to suit your preferences for the screen in question. This type of customization is not available for iOS users and in my opinion elevates the app above the iOS 14 function. But then I’m a sucker for a little choice regarding look and feel. feel of things, hence my move from iPhone to Android that I mentioned earlier.

If you see a lit dot, you know an app is accessing the camera, microphone, or both. To find out which app is responsible, simply visit the Access Dots log by tapping the timer icon, and the foreground app at the time of the alert is displayed. The logs provide the date and time of access as well as the duration. Overall, Access Dots performed exactly as expected.

I imagine similar features will be added to Android at some point. Until then, Access Dots is a no-brainer for anyone who wants a little more visibility into the use of app recording.


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