Fitzy, Wippa and Sarah discuss Leonardo DiCaprio’s brutal snob – The Brag

Fitzy, Wippa and Sarah discuss Leonardo DiCaprio’s brutal snob – The Brag

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Radio hosts Fitzy, Wippa and Sarah reflected on the rough interactions they’ve had with celebrities and listed Leonardo DiCaprio and Denzel Washington among the stars who snubbed them.

Fitzy explained on Nova Fitzy and Wippa show that although they have made a career out of interviewing celebrities, they are not immune to the occasional cold reception.

“You had a few drinks, Sare, and I challenged you to go [to Leonardo DiCaprio] and [ask for a photo]“recalls Fitzy.

“He had his hat down, he had a cigarette in his mouth…the hand went up, ‘I don’t take pictures,’ and Sarah just turned around and came back,” he said. added.

Sarah added: “And then I still tried to put the sneaky (picture) aside and security got my phone.”

Wippa then reflected on one particular celebrity snub that affected him the most.

“We were once at a restaurant overseas and Denzel Washington showed up at the restaurant,” he recalled.

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“I started going to Denzel Washington to take a picture (and) the guy running the restaurant was like the middleman, so he came between us and I said ‘Denzel! Picture?’

“So he jumps up, looks at Denzel and Denzel shakes his head as if to say no, the guy then looks at me and says no,” he said, adding, “It was so cold, and in front of everyone, I come to have to get back to my seat.

It’s also not the first time Australian radio hosts have called out stars for their bad behavior. In February Andy Lee of Hamish and Andy reflected on an interview with Justin Bieber in 2015.

“Bieber was one of the least favorite guests I’ve ever had The Hamish & Andy Show“recalls Lee. “He was a kid.”

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