“Ellen DeGeneres Show” surprises Kansas teacher who wrote letters to 104 students – Wichita Eagle


Wichita College teacher Victoria Bay appears in

Wichita College teacher Victoria Bay appears in “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”.


A teacher from the Wichita area had two surprises when she appeared on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”.

Sixth-year social science teacher Victoria Bay appears in an episode produced remotely and released on Thursday.

“There is nobody more appreciated right now than the teachers,” said Ellen DeGeneres at the start of the episode. “I think all parents at home realize how lucky they are to have people like you who want to spend every minute of the day with children to help them.”

Bay is from Wichita and teaches at Andover Central Middle School, according to the school website.

The teacher told DeGeneres that she was going on a spring hike when she discovered that the schools would be closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Kansas was the first state to close school buildings for the rest of the school year.

“I was shocked and confused,” said Bay. “And then I broke down and started to cry and think about how I was not going to see my children again and I couldn’t really say goodbye to them.”

So she wrote letters to 104 students, talking about their feelings.

“I just wanted them to know they weren’t alone.”

About 10 students responded. And some students appeared in a surprise clip, talking about their favorite teacher.

This surprise was followed by another. DeGeneres partnered with Box Tops for Education for a $ 25,000 gift to the teacher.

The entire scene is available online on EllenTube. “Ellen” is broadcast at 4:00 p.m. on CBS, KWCH, Channel 12 cable.

Wichita Eagle related stories

Jason Tidd is a reporter for The Wichita Eagle, covering the latest news, crime and the courts.



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