Carolyn Hax: Girlfriend Is Left Out For Vacation


I explained this to my girlfriend – excluding the marriage part – but she is still very upset. I can understand why she’s disappointed that she wasn’t included last year either, but she has her own family that she could go to (a six hour drive away).

I said next year there’s a good chance she’ll be invited, when we get a better understanding of where we are, but that hasn’t helped her.

What more can I say or do?

Not ready: “I told him we couldn’t go because the gorillas were running free in the city center – excluding the gorilla part.

It’s all about marriage! Your lack of preparation, your concern for your family, your status as the only one who doesn’t yet have any.

So what more can you say is all after “In all honesty” except for the part that poses a serious threat of pulling out my hair, which you don’t want to give the little woman any ideas. .

“It’s because my family is on the lookout for marriage and would only put incredible pressure on us. That’s all they think about because I’m the only child who isn’t married yet, but I’m only 29 and I’m not ready to rush into anything.

That way you own your feelings, she knows where you are, she can know where she is, you can know where she is, and you can review your position, so that you both can know where you are. sit together, and no one is playing Hide the Bouquet for fear of catching wedding cooties.

Or, if you like it, you can just bring it with you and take care of it.

Re: Thanksgiving: Initially, I thought it was flattering to meet the parents of boyfriends, until I found out that I was part of a long assembly line of girlfriends. Relatives nod and smile and quickly forget my name. A grandmother couldn’t keep girlfriends’ names clear, so it was “Hey you” for three years. I felt the opposite of special.

I ended it by asking, “Why?” anytime a guy wanted me to meet the parents. I never heard a response beyond “I don’t know” until I met my husband.

Hey you: This is not only a great point, thank you, but also potentially an informative backdoor for Not Ready, who must get along to bring home every woman he dates, for every vacation – major, minor, Canadian – thus overwhelming his family overinvestment with too many names and possibilities to stay straight. You’re welcome.



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