Billie Eilish, Will Ferrell, Tom Holland, Joe Jonas, John Legend, Chris Pratt, Olivia Rodrigo, Venus Williams and more join Jill and Eddie Vedder for the third annual Venture into Cures benefit to find a cure for epidermolysis bullosa


Aeration November 20the third annual Venture into Cures virtual benefit will bring together memorable moments with renowned actors and comedians, musical performances and resilient stories of families living with epidermolysis bullosa.

NEW YORK, November 3, 2022 /CNW/ – EB Research Partnership (EBRP) Announces Initial List of Celebrities for Third Edition Venture into curesan inspiring virtual fundraising and awareness event November 20, 2022at 4 p.m. ET/ 1 p.m. PT. Co-founders of EBRP Jill and Eddie Vedderand their daughters Olivia and Harper Vedderwill be joined by a list of famous friends, including Billie Eilish, Will Ferrell, Tom Holland, Joe Jonasjohn legend, Chris Pratt, Olivia Rodrigue, Venus Williams, and more, to help raise awareness and funds to find a cure for Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). The hour-long show features world-renowned speakers and inspiring artists and features moving stories about individuals and families living with EB.

Co-founded by Jill and Eddie Vedder, with a community of parents, as the world’s largest organization supporting EB research, EBRP has funded over 100 projects through its innovative model, directly impacting the clinical landscape. Thanks to EBRP’s work, clinical trials for EB have increased nearly 20-fold, including four Phase III clinical trials, the final phase before the FDA considers approval of a new treatment.

The initial list of Venture into cures‘ appearances and performances includes:

Appearances: Jonathan Brown, Dana CarveyBillie Eilish, Will Ferrell, Jack Harlow, Tom Holland, Joe JonasKermit the Frog, Chris Pratt, Olivia Rodrigue, Molly Shannon, Hannah Simone, David PiqueVedder family, Venus Williamsand more.

Performances: Shattered Social Scene, John Legend, Joy Oladokunred peppers, Lauren Spencer Smithand more.

“We’re making life-changing progress for EB,” says Michael Hund, CEO of EBRP. “As we approach our third annual Venture Into Cures, we hope this year’s show inspires viewers to get involved in the fight to find a cure not just for EB, but for the 7,000 rare diseases that affect 10% of the world’s population.”

EB is a life-threatening genetic disease that affects approximately 500,000 people worldwide. Called “butterfly children” because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly’s wings, children with EB face severe pain, external and internal open wounds, and a grueling daily dressing process. There is currently no treatment or cure for EB; However, EBRP’s innovative venture philanthropy model is helping to accelerate not only a cure for EB, but also therapies that could affect thousands of other rare diseases.

Produced by EBRP and Door Knocker Media, with artist booking by one twenty-eight, over the past two years the virtual fundraiser has raised more than $4.6 million. Venture into cures will be streaming worldwide for free via an exclusive virtual event experience via A full list of other streaming sites can be found below.

Venture into cures live streaming channels include:

About the EB Research Partnership

Founded in 2010 by a dedicated group of parents and Jill and Eddie VedderEB Research Partnership (EBRP) is the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to funding research aimed at treating and ultimately curing epidermolysis bullosa (EB), a group of devastating and life-threatening skin disorders that affect children from the birth.

Work around the clock with offices in the United States and Australia, EBRP uses an innovative venture philanthropy business model. When they award a research project grant, they retain the added benefit of generating a recurring revenue stream if the therapy or product is commercially successful, and then use the return on investment to fund additional research into the EB until a cure is found.

To learn more, visit

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SOURCE EB Research Partnership

For further information: Taylor McKibbon, Talk Shop Media, +1-403-707-6300, [email protected]


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