A review of the Sony a7R IVA mirrorless camera – fstoppers


The Sony a7R IVA was a silent upgrade to the a7R IV, and while most of the changes made are relatively minor, it still delivers the very impressive performance of the original a7R IV with a few more upgrades. This awesome video review takes a look at the camera and what kind of performance and picture quality you can expect from it.

Coming from The Hybrid Shooter, this excellent video review takes a look at the Sony a7R IVA mirrorless camera. The a7R IVA only brings a few minor improvements over the a7R IV, the most notable being an increase in the resolution of the rear LCD screen and a faster USB port, very useful for anyone who attaches such large files. . And with these changes, you get the original model’s 61-megapixel sensor, offering the highest resolution of any full-frame camera available, along with an incredible 15-stop dynamic range, which is probably the best camera for landscape photographers. . And despite this ultra-high resolution, the camera can still take 10 fps burst photos, making it very versatile for a wide variety of applications. Watch the video above for the full recap.


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