6 things to do the day after a basement flood

6 things to do the day after a basement flood

Thunderstorms and downpours can quickly flood your basement and create a real mess. Wading through soggy boxes of books, soaking wet rugs, floating dog food bowls, and soaking wet couches, you might feel paralyzed as to what to do.

But don’t delay. Experts say you need to act fast to mop up the water and fix the damage caused by clogged drains, faulty sump pumps or backed up gutters. Mold can start growing within 24 to 48 hours. And you’ll want to grab the damp goods and dry them as soon as possible.

For safety, call your power company, an electrician, or a professional cleaning company if you have a large amount of standing water in your basement. You may need to disconnect service before entering the water. Do not touch anything electrical.

[How water damages a flooded house — and what can be saved]

Here are six tips for dealing with water in your basement.

1. Photograph the consequences

Whether you plan to file an insurance claim or not, quickly pull out your phone and take photos and videos of the flooded area, inside and out, before you start cleaning up. According to FEMA, if you file a claim, this information could help the adjuster assess your payment. After you’ve photographed everything, start throwing away items that could attract mold, such as clothing, bedding or pillows, cardboard, paper bags, and any perishable foods.

Get the water out as soon as possible. A few inches of standing water can usually be removed with a wet vacuum. If you don’t have a wet vacuum, buy, borrow, or rent one. Major water damage may require a professional such as ServPro or ServiceMaster. If your damage is minor, you can use towels to wipe up the water, but they should be washed and dried immediately to prevent mold from forming.

Use dehumidifiers and fans to move air, discouraging the growth of mold and mildew. Keep dehumidifiers at least six to eight inches away from walls for better air circulation. Clean and wash their filters about once a week to help the fan run efficiently. Keep your air conditioning running all the time. Discard all wet boxes.

Vinyl tile, linoleum and other hard surfaces can be scrubbed with a solution containing no more than one cup of bleach to one gallon of water. During this process, wear rubber gloves and eye protection and ventilate the room.

5. Examine and clean gutters, downspouts and drains

Put on your rubber gloves and check the steps and basement drains. Get rid of leaves, twigs and mud. Remove the strainer from the drain and clean it well and, if necessary, use a plunger or plumber’s snake to clear the drain. Clean gutters and downspouts around the house.

6. Put important papers in the freezer

If precious documents or precious papers have gotten wet, you can try to quickly put them in the freezer. This can stop mold growth and deterioration until you can deal with it later. Decide not to store anything of value in the basement and to use concrete blocks to keep belongings and appliances off the ground. Plastic storage bins are much better than cardboard boxes for basement use.



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