12 recipes for Ramadan to support you before and after fasting

12 recipes for Ramadan to support you before and after fasting

“Fasting is so important, now more than ever,” says chef and culinary instructor Amanda Saab.

Reading headlines about starvation conditions and deaths during a humanitarian convoy “illustrates the inequality in access to delicious, high-quality food” both abroad and in one’s local community, says Saab. It’s a tricky line to walk, she explains, posting on social media what can seem like overeating in light of what others are experiencing. But “it’s really important to share my cultural foods,” Saab says, as well as the stories of the people who make these recipes.

She recognizes how lucky she is to feed her family and do her small part. “We’re here for a reason, and I keep coming back to it.” In the meantime, she was comforted by the fact that “despite everything we see, there are so many reminders of people who care about us.” …It’s really beautiful and deep. These are the things I’m holding on to right now.

Especially during Ramadan, Saab embraces nostalgic, family-friendly recipes “that feel like a warm hug.” We’ve rounded up a few recipes from our archives that are good examples of the types of foods she’s turning to right now.



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